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About The Rosebank Screening Scan Service
- Serious and dread diseases such as heart disease, cancers and stroke are responsible for the vast majority of adult death and morbidity.
- To effectively manage these diseases, early diagnosis is critical. Treatment and outcomes are particularly effective if they are diagnosed at the earliest possible stage, while still silent and before symptoms manifest.
- Screening Scans or Preventive imaging scans utilise the latest generation 3D CT and MRI Scanners to scan your body and organs for the earliest possible detection of these disease processes, leading to early simpler treatments, higher cure rates and improved survival.
- These high-resolution 3D scans are non-invasive, safe, and painless, performed while you lie on a comfortable scanner table .
- No pain medication or sedation or anaesthetic or admission is required, and you return to work or home immediately following completion.
- The Rosebank Screening scan service is a specialised medical imaging service, that screens responsibly based on international best medical practice and adheres to established scan protocols based on your own medical risk factors and your concerns.
- The Rosebank Screening body scans incorporate a series of highly accurate, targeted organ scans to build a complete profile of your disease risk or diagnose serious diseases in their earliest stages.
- The scan is reported on an advanced 3D Workstation, by a medical Doctor who is a specialist Radiologist, and has further specialised in this technology and applications.
- Our Doctors are all fully accredited for these scans and members of the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA), the Radiological Society of South Africa (RSSA), and the Board of Health Funders (BHF).
- The medical director and managing Doctor initially introduced Screening scans and the scanner technology into the South African market in 2003.
- Your scan report and recommendations are highly confidential with Rosebank Screening strictly adhering to POPIA.
- Your report is totally private and only divulged to you. It is your decision with whom you wish to share your results.
- Only patients who are directly referred to us by another Doctor and are making use of a medical aid / funder, will have their report sent to that referring Doctor and the medical aid.
- If you require further medical management, Rosebank screening has a large network of doctors and medical specialists in all fields. Our optional value-added medical service includes arranging a referral to these health professionals with scheduling.
- You are, of course, entitled to see your own Doctor or any other health professional of your choice via your own pathway. In this case, Scan360 will send your scan reports and the image data to your requested doctor on request.