Screening Scans


The Enhanced MRI Breast Scan:

The multi-parametric dynamic enhanced Breast MRI scan is an advanced specialised MRI scan performed as a final, highly diagnostic investigation, if your mammogram and or breast ultrasound examination has revealed a suspicious finding, or your breast tissue is very dense.

  • The scan is non-invasive, painless and safe using a harmless magnetic field.
  • There is no X-ray exposure.

The Implant MRI Breast Scan:

The non-enhanced Breast MRI scan is a fast and simple MRI scan of your breast implants to assess for implant complications and ruptures.

  • The scan is non-invasive, painless and safe using a harmless magnetic field.
  • There is no X-ray exposure.
  • The scan does not require any contrast (dye) administration.

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Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) or Heart Disease and resultant Heart Attack or Heart Failure is the leading cause of death in Westernised adults, more than deaths due to cancer and stroke combined.

  • CAD begins in late childhood and is exponential from males from their 40’s and in females from their 50’s.
  • It is a generally silent disease we are unaware of, with no warning symptoms in the significant majority of cases.
  • Physically healthy individuals believe their hearts are healthy, which is not always the case.
  • If diagnosed early enough, CAD can be effectively treated, stabilised, or even regressed.
  • Current medical cardiac (heart) assessments may miss silent CAD / narrowings, and the available blood tests are not highly correlated with risk.

The Coronary Calcium Score Scan (CACS):

The Coronary Artery Calcium Score Scan (CACS) measures the exact amount of calcium deposits in your coronary arteries and provides an objective accurate assessment of your calcified coronary artery disease.

  • The CACS has been proven to be the strongest coronary event risk predictor, more than the other conventional risk factors combined.
  • It accurately risk stratifies you from low to high risk for a future coronary event.
  • The CACS also directly compares you to your demographic contemporaries by age and gender.
  • The scan is non-invasive, rapid (a breath-hold), convenient and safe.
  • The X-ray dose is very low.
  • No pain medication or sedation or needle or IV or anaesthetic or admission is required, and you return to work or home immediately following completion.
  • The CACS does not diagnose coronary artery blockages or non-calcified disease, which require the full Coronary CT Angiogram scan, described below.

The Full Coronary CT Angiogram Scan:

  • The Coronary CT Angiogram Scan (CCTA) accurately reconstructs the entire coronary artery tree in a high-resolution 3D volume, with the heart.
  • It is combined with and includes the Coronary Calcium Score scan, described above.
  • It detects early or advanced coronary artery narrowings (stenoses) in all 15 coronary segments, as well as the amount and type of CAD.
  • It detects calcified, mixed and non-calcified artery disease (soft / unstable / vulnerable plaque), and high-risk artery disease features.
  • The scan also assesses any congenital coronary abnormalities which may cause cardiac events in young people, and the heart (cardiac) structure itself.
  • Furthermore, whether or not you are a candidate for stents or bypass grafting can be decided.
  • The scan is non-invasive, rapid, convenient (a series of breath-holds) and safe.
  • No pain medication or sedation or anaesthetic or admission is required, and you return to work or home immediately following completion.

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Endometriosis is the presence of endometrial tissue deposited outside of the endometrial cavity.

It is a long standing (chronic) and enigmatic disorder that is a leading cause of pelvic pain and infertility. This highly challenging disease may present with non-specific symptoms such as pain and bloating.

Endometriosis may leads to inflammation and extensive scarring which may result in complications such as bowel and urinary tract obstruction, deep invasion of the pelvic sidewalls, uterus, tubes, ovaries and even distant abdominal organs.

Deep infiltrating endometriosis of the bowel is best treated surgically.

The Modified Virtual Colonoscopy (CT Colonography) Scan for Endometriosis:

  • This scan is a specifically Modified Virtual Colonoscopy (CT Colonography) scan for Endometriosis.
  • The scan is directed at diagnosing and defining advanced and complicated or deep infiltrating endometriosis, particularly invasive bowel (rectum and colon) rectal, urinary tract and pelvic side-wall involvement.
  • The Scan accurately quantifies the extent of disease and performs a pre-surgical road map to further direct the surgeon.
  • This scan was initially developed locally, in 2005, by the gynaecologist and endometriosis specialist, Dr Johan van Der Wat, with the medical director of Scan For Life, Dr Mitch Kaplan (1).
  • Dr Van der Wat and Dr Kaplan won the international Carlo Romanini Award First Prize at the Global congress of Minimally Invasive Gynecology, AAGL in the USA for developing this new technique.
  • The scan is non-invasive, convenient (a series of breath-holds) and safe.
  • No pain medication or sedation or anaesthetic or admission is required, and you return to work or home immediately following completion.
  • (1) Van der Wat j, Kaplan M. Modified virtual colonoscopy: a noninvasive technique for the diagnosis of rectovaginal septum and deep infiltrating pelvic endometriosis. J Mimim Invasive Gynecol 2007; 14: 638-43

The Pelvis MRI Scan:

The other female pelvic scan assessment is the MRI Scan of the Pelvis, which may be combined with the abdomeninal contents simultaneously.

  • This highly accurate scan assesses the pelvic organs – uterus, ovaries, tubes, bladder rectum and sidewalls.
  • This includes benign and malignant tumours and masses as well as spread to lymph glands or other organs.
  • The scan is non-invasive, painless and safe using a harmless magnetic field.
  • There is no X-ray exposure.
  • The scan does not usually require contrast (dye) administration.

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Certain high-risk groups are exposed to multiple medical risk factors that raise their risk profile for serious dread disease such as heart disease, cancers, and stroke.

One particular demographic is the business executive, with their intense stress levels and associated poor lifestyle factors, such as sedentary lack of exercise, smoking, excess alcohol consumption, overweight, unhealthy business meals and eating habits.

Their excess medical risks are high blood pressure (hypertension), poor lipid profiles, impaired glucose tolerance, systemic inflammation etc.

These medical derangements lead to Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), Stroke (Cerbro-vascular Disease), Vascular Dementia, Cancer, Type II Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome.

These at-risk execs benefit from multiple organ scans, which are conveniently and flexibly combined into a single scan service, which incorporates the individual targeted scans in a customised manner.

This combined scan service is a modern, enhanced addition to the standard executive medical or routine medical exam.

The scans are non-invasive, convenient (a series of breath-holds) and safe.

No pain medication or sedation or anaesthetic or admission is required, and you return to work or home immediately following completion.

The MRI scan components use a harmless magnetic field with no X-ray exposure.

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  • Lung Cancer (LC) is the leading cause of all cancer deaths in both men and women.
  • Smokers have a huge 20 times higher risk of LC. The risk from second-hand, passive “smoking” is also substantial.
  • There has been a significant increase in non-smoking LC, particularly in women, more recently. This is not fully understood but may relate to pollution and increased female sensitivity to lung irritants.
  • Smokers are at risk of emphysema and chronic bronchitis, responsible for more smoking related deaths than LC.
  • They are at risk for other cancers, particularly urinary tract and larynx.
  • They often have coexistent artery disease and other life-style related morbidities.
  • LC is asymptomatic early on, until it reaches an advanced stage and has often spread.
  • LC has an average 5 year survival rate of 15%, but if detected in its earliest stage, a 5 year survival rate of at least 80% is attainable.
  • Unfortunately, by the time a LC is seen on a Chest X-ray, it is at an advanced stage and usually spread with a very pro prognosis. So a Chest X-rays is not useful for early LC detection.
  • The Low dose Lung CT Scan is the most sensitive test available for detecting early, treatable LC. LC as small as a few mm in size are detectable, and can be surgically removed before spreading.
  • The scan also detects early emphysema and chronic bronchitis, long before diagnosed on a Chest Xray.
  • It also diagnoses serious or atypical lung infections, lung fibrosis and scarring, and structural lung abnormalities,
  • The Scan further detects other chest abnormalities such as other tumours, abnormal lymph glands, spinal fractures and aneurysms.
  • The scan is non-invasive, convenient, rapid (a single breath-hold), safe and painless.
  • No needle or IV or pain medication or sedation or anaesthetic or admission is required, and you return to work or home immediately following completion.
  • No Contrast (Xray dye) is required.
  • The scan is performed with a very low Xray dose.

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Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in men, particularly with advancing age.

If these cancers are detected at an early stage, while still confined to the gland, the management is highly successful and does not impact life span.

The Multi-paramteric Dynamic Enhanced MRI scan of the prostate is an advanced and specialised MRI scan to detect and stage early prostate cancer.

Once the diagnosis is evident on the MRI, the exact location of the cancer within the gland is also evident from the scan, which then directs the prostate biopsy performed by the urologist to increase biopsy success and reduce biopsy complications (targeted biopsy).

It is performed in conjunction with the prostate blood test (PSA).

This is the recommended protocol for diagnosing these cancers early on.

The scan is non-invasive, painless and safe using a harmless magnetic field.

There is no X-ray exposure.

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Neck and back pain is common and experienced by most of us in our lifetimes.

The pain may be acute or long standing (chronic) and severe or debilitating.

It may be associated with spasm and lack of mobility, headaches, sciatica (referred pain down the back of the leg), other neurology (pins and needles, numbness, weakness and incontinence).

The result is impaired quality of life, irritability and abstinence from life-saving exercise as well as leisure activities and sports.

The Spine MRI Scans:

The Spine MRI scans are highly accurate scans of the vertebral bones, discs (cushions between the vertebrae), spinal cord, nerve roots, and related soft tissues.

The neck (cervical) region and / or thoracic (chest level) spine and / or lower back (lumbar spine) and or pelvic bones, may be scanned separately or as one full scan series.

These scans will detect the cause of your symptoms, be it disc damage / degeneration / prolapse, bone degeneration / arthritis,  spinal stenosis or facet joint degeneration.

The scan exclude spinal tumours / cancers / other growths.

The scans will further determine if surgery is required or whether conservative treatment will suffice.

The scan is non-invasive, painless and safe using a harmless magnetic field.

There is no X-ray exposure.

The Spine CT Scans:

For claustrophobic patients where an MRI is not possible, the CT scans may be performed instead.

These are highly accurate for spine bone and joint assessment, but not as effective for disc, nerve and spinal cord assessment.

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Stroke (Cerebro-vascular Accident or CVA) is a major cause of death and disability, particularly in the elderly.

The causes are vascular, due to a narrowing or blockage of a neck or brain artery, or rupture of a brain aneurysm or congenital vascular malformation.

Blockage strokes are due to brain artery disease and narrowings, causing obstruction to brain blood flow.

Bleeding strokes are due to aneurysms (bulges or weaknesses in the walls of the arteries) or due to vascular malformations (abnormal nests of arteries) that one is usually born with, but are silent until they rupture and bleed into the brain tissue with high pressure and damage. There are frequently no symptoms until a significant event occurs.

The Stroke-risk scans and the Brain Scan provide a complete future stroke risk assessment and structural brain abnormality assessment.

The MRA Brain Artery and Carotid (neck) Artery Scans:

  • The Brain and Neck MRI Artery Scans detect abnormalities of the arteries in the brain (Circle Of Willis / COW) and the arteries supplying the brain from the heart (carotid and vertebral neck arteries).
  • This provides a highly accurate screening assessment for stroke-risk.
  • These scans are non-invasive, painless and safe using a harmless magnetic field.
  • There is no X-ray exposure.
  • These scans can be combined with the Brain scan, described below, simultaneously.

The MRI brain Scan:

The MRI Brain scan with Diffusion and Susceptibility Weighted Imaging, is a specialised and comprehensive scan of the brain.

This is the most accurate examination to assess the brain tissue for any structural abnormalities, such as early brain tumours, cancers, strokes, silent strokes, Multiple Sclerosis, traumatic brain injury (TBI), brain shrinkage, brain bleeds, encephalitis or other infections / inflammation of the brain.

  • The eyes (orbits and globes), sinuses and skull bones are also assessed.
  • The scan is non-invasive, painless and safe using a harmless magnetic field.
  • There is no X-ray exposure.
  • This scan can be combined with the Brain and Neck Artery Scans, described above.

The CT Brain Artery and Carotid (neck) Artery Scans:

The alternative Brain and Neck CT angiogram scan are performed in the diagnostic scenario.

These ultra-high resolution non-invasive scans are performed rapidly to assess the brain and neck arteries.

The scan is non-invasive, convenient, rapid (a single breath-hold), safe and painless.

No pain medication or sedation or anaesthetic or admission is required, and you return to work or home immediately following completion.

The Colour Doppler Ultrasound (Sonar) Neck Artery Scan:

The carotid (neck) Colour Doppler ultrasound / sonar scan is able to simply and rapidly assess the carotid arteries for narrowings, blockages or artery deposits.

  • This screening scan uses a special form of sonar or ultrasound (Colour Doppler sound waves) to assess blood flow in the neck arteries.
  • This scan is simple, rapid and convenient.
  • It uses harmless high-frequency sound waves.
  • There are no X-rays or an MRI machine.
  • It is however not as accurate as the Neck MR or CT Neck Artery Scans, described above, and is unable to assess the brain arteries.

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Colo-rectal bowel Cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in men and women.

These cancers begin as small benign polyp growths in the rectum and colon, which grow slowly over years and may eventually change into invasive cancers.

The polyps and early cancers are asymptomatic until an advanced stage, when the prognosis is poor.

Once symptomatic, the cancers have often spread to the lymph glands (nodes) and may have spread to other distant organs (liver, bones, lung).

The Virtual Colonoscopy (VC) or CT Colonography (CTC) Scan:

This scan is an accurate screening scan of the rectum and colon for detecting polyps and early cancers, before they have spread, and when they are easily removed.

It is the most accurate non-invasive method of polyp and early cancer detection.

The scan also detects other structural bowel abnormalities such as diverticulosis / diverticulitis, a long colon or abnormally sited colon, or a partially blocked colon.

The Scan also visualises the other abdominal and pelvic organs for tumours or growths or cysts or stones or aneurysms etc.

A 3D “air-shell” volume of the bowel is reconstructed and “flown through” virtually to assess the inner walls and folds. The bowel is insufflated with harmless low-pressure CO2 gas via a small soft catheter.

A liquid diet with a simple bowel prep (cleanse) is required the day before the scan. The prep kit with instructions is provided and delivered to you.

The scan is non-invasive, convenient, rapid (a single breath-hold), safe and painless.

No needle or IV or pain medication or sedation or anaesthetic or admission is required, and you return to work or home immediately following completion.

The VC may be combined with an 3D Enhanced CT Scan of the Abdomen and Pelvis for a highly accurate assessment of the solid organs – liver, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, aorta, pelvic organs.

This would then require IV contrast (X-ray dye).

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