

All x-ray imaging is based on the absorption of x rays as they pass through the different parts of a patient’s body. Depending on the amount absorbed in a particular tissue such as muscle or lung, a different amount of x rays will pass through and exit the body. The amount of x rays absorbed contributes to the radiation dose to the patient. During conventional x-ray imaging, the exiting x rays interact with a detection device (x-ray film or other image receptors) and provide a 2-dimensional projection image of the tissues within the patient’s body – an x-ray produced “photograph” called a “radiograph.”

A standard X-Ray is painless. You cannot see or feel X-Rays. Everybody receives a small amount of radiation from the environment every day. The radiation received from any single X-Ray is very small, and would be similar to the amount you would be exposed to on a transatlantic flight.

Are there any risks?

Unborn children are at greater risk from being exposed to X-Rays because they are still developing. For this reason, routine X-Ray examinations may not be performed on women who could be pregnant or get pregnant within 28 days of a normal menstrual period. For some examinations that need higher doses of X-Ray, this may be reduced to 10 days. If you are or suspect that you may be pregnant, please tell the radiographer before the X-Ray is carried out. All the information you give will be treated with the strictest confidence.

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An Ultrasound Examination involves the placement of a jelly-like substance over the area that is being examined. The radiologist then moves a probe up and down over the jelly to visualize the area of interest. An Ultrasound Scan, sometimes called a sonogram, is a procedure that uses high-frequency sound waves to create an image of part of the inside of the body. This is a non-invasive diagnostic procedure and the examination generally last approximately 15-20 minutes.

For any ultrasound examination of the abdomen, the patient needs to be starved/nil per mouth for a period of 4 hours prior to the examination.

All pelvis ultrasounds for masses, nodes, cysts, etc. require the patient to have a full bladder prior to the examination.

In order to fill the bladder, the patient needs to drink water/clear fluids only. We need a full bladder in order to obtain the best possible image quality/clarity.

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Colour Doppler

A Doppler ultrasound study may be part of an ultrasound examination.

Doppler ultrasound is a special ultrasound technique that evaluates blood flow through a blood vessel, including the body’s major arteries and veins in the abdomen, arms, legs and neck.

A Colour Doppler uses a computer to convert Doppler measurements into an array of colours to visualize the speed and direction of blood flow through a blood vessel.

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CT Scans

Computerised tomography (CT or CAT scan) is an imaging procedure that uses special x-ray equipment to create detailed images of areas inside the body which enables physicians to diagnose and treat medical conditions. The scan times can be anything from 5 minutes to 45 minutes depending on the type of scan.

The examination usually involves having intravenous (IV) contrast as well as oral and/or rectal contrast. There is a risk of an allergic reaction to the contrast media which contains iodine. If a patient is allergic to iodine, the appropriate cortisone and antihistamine preparations must be followed.

It is important that you notify our staff of any allergies to iodine or shellfish.

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MRI Scans

What is an MRI scan?

A magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan is one of the safest and most advanced techniques for examining the human body. MRI uses a combination of a strong magnetic field and radio waves to produce high-quality pictures of the tissues and organs inside the body.

Do I need to prepare for scan?

Authorisation from your Medical aid needs to be obtained. Unless asked, you can eat and drink and take your normal medication. Depending on which area of the body is being scanned we may ask you to change into a hospital gown. You will need to remove all loose metal objects, jewellery, hair grips, watches and credit cards which will be placed in a locker while you are in the scanner.

If you are coming for a scan of your orbits (eyes), please remove any eye make-up before you arrive. If you are, or think you may be pregnant, please contact the MRI Unit immediately.

Are there any risks?

MRI is one of the safest diagnostic tests available. However some patients may not be able to have a scan if they have:

  • A Cardiac pacemaker or internal defibrillator
  • Aneurysm clips in the brain
  • Cochlear implants
  • Certain other metallic implants

It is very important that you tell us if you have ever had any metal fragments in your eyes, no matter how long ago and we may need to arrange an x-ray before your scan. If you wait until your appointment date, we may not be able to scan you.

Pregnant women may be advised to wait until their baby is born, unless the scan is urgent. Although the scan is thought to be safe, the long-term effects of strong magnetic fields on a developing baby are not yet known.

What happens when I come for my scan?

Please bring with you your appointment letter and completed patient questionnaire. A radiographer will ask you to lie on the scanner couch and will position equipment around the area being scanned. The couch is then moved up and in so that you are lying inside the scanner, which remains open at both ends.

The scanner makes a series of loud knocking or buzzing noises as it produces the images so we will give you some headphones to muffle the noise. We will also play you some music and talk to you throughout the scan via a two-way intercom.

It is very important that you keep as still as possible during the scan. MRI is entirely painless and you will not feel any discomfort, though you may feel a slight vibration.

How long will the scan take?

Most scans take between 15 and 30 minutes, depending on the area being scanned. However certain types of scans can last up to an hour. The radiographers will be able to tell you approximately how long your scan will be when you arrive. We aim to see all patients on time but delays can occur if the scanner is needed for an emergency patient. We will keep you fully informed if this is the case, and appreciate your co-operation.

Can anyone stay with me during the scan?

If you are anxious or claustrophobic an adult relative or friend can stay in the scanner room with you. However, this person must also complete a safety questionnaire and move all metallic and loose objects from their person.

How do I get my results?

The results will not be available immediately, as the scans need to be processed and studied by a radiologist. We will send the results to the doctor who referred you for the scan or we will phone you when they are ready for collection.

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Interventional Radiology

Interventional radiology is a medical sub-speciality of radiology which utilizes minimally-invasive image-guided procedures to diagnose and treat diseases in nearly every organ system. The concept behind interventional radiology is to diagnose and treat patients using the least invasive techniques currently available in order to minimize risk to the patient and improve health outcomes.

The Procedures

Using X-rays, CT, ultrasound, MRI, and other imaging modalities, interventional radiologists obtain images which are then used to direct interventional instruments throughout the body. These procedures are usually performed using needles and narrow tubes called catheters, rather than by making large incisions into the body as in traditional surgery.

Many conditions that once required surgery can now be treated non-surgically by interventional radiologists. By minimizing the physical trauma to the patient, peripheral interventions can reduce infection rates and recovery time, as well as no hospital stays. We offer the following procedures:

Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) Biopsy
Liver Biopsy
Lung Biopsy
Paracentesis + Ascites Tap

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Emedical / Online Immigration

Rosebank Radiology Inc are approved panel radiologists for Australia and New Zealand

As members of the panel we are able to perform and submit chest x-rays to comply with the requirements of the Australian and New Zealand visa application process.

Should you only require a chest x-ray (and not a medical with Dr Cobb) you need to make an appointment. This will be from Monday to Friday 8h00-9h00 and Friday afternoons (contact 011277-3300)

The cost is R1250 per patient (children 11 and over are included). Applicants must bring their online application forms (Australia only); original passports and one recent passport photo (Other identification will not be accepted)

Please bring previous chest x-rays if you have them

The process usually takes at most ½ hour per patient (unless the department is very busy) and your results are submitted online within 3 working days

Credit card facilities and Snapscan are available

If you are required to also have medicals please contact Dr H Cobb on (011)788-1344 or email

Please be advised that our premises for emedical chest x-rays is at 8 Sturdee Ave Rosebank .Please take the lift to the first floor and follow the signs to the x-ray department.

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Leading Radiologists

We offer Planning Scans, CT Scans, Ultrasound, X-Ray and Intervention Radiology procedures. All radiology procedures are overseen by trained specialist Radiologists and staff using the latest radiology technology.